The Most Important Question

Whatever you do in business, there’s one question that should matter above all others and it has nothing to do with you or your service or product. It has to do with your customer, and that question is: How will your service or product improve your customer’s life?

That’s the key to successful marketing and that’s the key to running a successful business no matter how big or small that business may be. How will your service or produce improve your customer’s life? If you can’t answer that question, rest assured that your customer can’t answer that question for you either.

Keep in mind that your customer is looking for a service or product that not only serves a purpose (satisfies the want), but also addresses an emotion (satisfies the need). Your customer may be impressed by your product or service, but unless you can address the emotion that’s behind your customer’s needs, you won’t be able to sell your customer on the idea that he needs what you’re offering.

Don’t dismiss the value and importance of knowing the answer to the question: How will your service or product improve your customer’s life?

If you can answer that question honestly for each of your customers and potential customers, you’ll be well on your way to growing a successful business that will thrive for years to come.

Elyse Bruce


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