Literary Scorecards!

On occasion over the past few months,  some people have told me that they have trouble keeping track of the books I write, or more specifically, what they’ve already bought and what they still need to get.  As a joke last week, I commented that you can’t know the books without a scorecard.  That’s when it hit me.  What I need for my fans and followers is a literary scorecard to help them out!  And so, I created two scorecards:  one for my children’s books, and another for my general fiction books.

At first, I wasn’t sure if I should just list the titles or if I should include other information such as a synopsis.  I finally decided on listing the titles and the prices as a synopsis for each book can be found on my website at under the BOOKS tab as well as on Amazon and CreateSpace.

I’ll have to update both scorecards this summer as new titles are published.  Until then, these scorecards are perfect for fans and followers as well as newcomers to my novels, short story collections, resource books, and children’s books.   Please click on the images and download them to your computer so you can check off what you already have in your collection.

Here’s the scorecard for the children’s books I’ve published to date.

Missy Barrett Books
And here’s the scorecard for the general fiction books I’ve published to date with a heads-up for upcoming titles.

General Fiction Books
For those who are excitedly anticipating, “You Don’t Know Me At All” — the third book in the Nathan Lane Covington psychological thriller trilogy — all I can tell you at this point is that it’s filled with the twists and turns that are part of Lane’s trademark way of doing business.  Can he be stopped?  Read the third book and find out first hand.

Elyse Bruce